Chartered Engineer, Assest Valuation & FSSAI Compliance Consultant
An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Company
Asset valuation and reconciliation are the essential part of many transactions. We at G&A, imparts the expert Valuers’ services to your business which is required for its commercial and corporate governance obligations. We conduct valuation of Plant & Machinery as per Companies Act 2013, Income Tax Act 1961 and general purpose valuations.
Valuation of assets for mortgage or auctioning of collateral security, in case of default by the debtor.
Reinstatement Valuation for Insurance as Surveyor and Loss Assessor.
Valuation of asset in case of transfer of ownership for the fulfillment of legal documentation for the purpose of imposition of stamp duty.
Valuation of asset is conducted for various financial purposes such as for balance sheet; accounting; auditing and internal management etc. Identification of asset, Fair value appraisal, Useful life and Balance Useful life calculations, Residual Value calculations in case of Leased assets, Salvage value calculations, Impairment Analysis, Componentization of assets and valuation of Property, Plant & Equipment as per IndAS 16.
Valuation is conducted to appraise the market value and the fair value of the asset in case of sale of used asset or purchase of new or used asset. Fair opinion is only possible by due diligence in appraisal of asset.
Valuation of leased and rented assets needs special attention as the nature of valuation depends upon matrices of span and type of engagement.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to retire and dispose-off the asset after its economic/useful life. It requires an expert opinion in calculating its dispose-off value over its scarp value or salvage value. It includes whole, part or fraction valuation or componentization of asset to reach at the realistic value.
Expert opinion in the Court of Law related to asset value.
Impairment analysis provides re-assessment of assets for financial reporting requirements under Ind AS, IFRS or US GAAP to assure that the carrying amount is no more than the recoverable amount.
Valuation of assets as per the proviso of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code 2016.
Valuation of assets for the voluntary liquidation/forced liquidation or sale of assets by auction is conducted by expert Valuers.
The useful life of an asset is an estimate of the number of years it will remain in profitable service; however, the balance useful life is an estimation of extended useful life due to better working and maintenance conditions of the asset over its span of life. Balance useful life plays a vital role in deciding the value of an asset.
Mergers and Acquisitions form a major part of the corporate sector. Every company in the market tries to establish itself over the other to gain maximum profits and brand value. Due to the high level of competition in the market, many companies opt for mergers or acquisitions.
A merger takes place when two companies come together and form a new company. Where one company takes over another company and announces itself as the new owner, it is known as acquisition.
Our expert valuers value the company, based on the purpose for which it is getting merged or acquired. The valuation is done based on different valuation approaches, as found appropriate.
Valuation of assets under various direct tax laws administered by Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.